Underlined titles lead to official websites. D&I is short for Diversity & Inclusion.
Interactive & Commercial
Loups Garous, reality TV show | Dreamspark, Canal+ | 2025 | Game design
Mighty Magical Sparrows, video game | Independent | 2023-now | Narrative direction, Game design, Writing
Unannounced project | Novelab | 2022-2024 | Creative & interactive direction, Writing
Unannounced project | Makemepulse | 2022 | Narrative direction, Game design, Writing, D&I
AYA, interactive entertainment center | Studio BK | 2022 | Narrative direction, Interactive design
cinder4real, virtual influencer | Undisclosed client | 2020-22 | Narrative design, Writing, D&I
Unannounced project | Magic Pockets | 2020 | Narrative design, Writing
Shady Part of Me, video game | Douze Dixièmes | 2020 | Narrative design, Writing
Inua: A Story in Ice and Time, video game | IKO | 2020 | Narrative design, Script doctoring, D&I
Créteil Soleil digital, interactive installation | Superbien | 2019 | Game design
Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden, video game | Don't Nod | 2018-19 | Narrative design, Writing, D&I
Anno 1800, video game | Ubisoft Blue Byte | 2018 | Writing
Mobility Theory, ARG | We Are Social France | 2018 | Narrative direction, Narrative design, Writing
Twin Mirror, video game | Don't Nod | 2017 | Script doctoring, D&I
Secret Story, reality TV show | TF1, Endemol Shine Group | 2017 | Writing, Game design
Vampyr, video game | Don't Nod | 2017 | Writing
Alfred Premium, interactive documentary | Arte Studio | 2017-18 | Writing, Narrative design
Duelyst, video game | Counterplay Games | 2016-17 | Writing, Narrative design
Prodigy, video game | Hanakai Studio | 2012-16 | Writing, Narrative design, Producing, PR
Les Mots de la Folie | Arts Convergence | 2022 | Anthology, paper
Sexe et sexualité dans le futur et ailleurs | Éditions Arkuiris | 2021 | Anthology, paper
Érotisme féministe | Revue Saturne | 2021 | Anthology, paper
True Trans Bike Rebel | Microcosm Publishing | 2018 | Anthology, paper
Joy Issue | Mixtape.LGBT | 2018 | Magazine, web
Les Nouveaux Robots | Les Planètes Orphelines | 2017-18 | Anthology, paper & web
Génies du Mal | Présences d'Esprits | 2015 | Anthology, paper
Other projects
Unannounced VR project | Team project | 2019-22 | Game & narrative designer
Motherload, video game | Ludum Dare game jam | 2016 | Writer
Who Made This Game?!, video game | Master's project | 2011-12 | Producer, Composer
Kimipiz, video game | Microsoft Imagine Cup | 2011-12 | Project lead, Game & level designer
Honors &
Quinzaines Novella Contest | Finalist | 2025 | 'Millénaire', novella
Poetry Contest Les Mots de la Folie | Selected for recital | 2022 | 'Consentement', poem
International Poetry Contest La Différence | Selected for recital | 2021 | 'Ingéniu', poem
RATP Poetry Grand Prize | Finalist | 2017 | untitled poem
Westbury Faery Novella Contest | Finalist | 2017 | 'A Final Trip to Westbury', novella
Geekopolis Festival | Metropolis Prize | 2015 | 'La Suprémacie d'Archibald', novella
Microsoft Imagine Cup | Semi-Finalist | 2012 | 'Kimipiz', video game
The Atelier Competition | Winner | 2011 | 'Unite', video game concept
European Education, Audiovisual and Culture Agency | 2019-now | Game design, narrative design & story evaluation expert
Wild and Sweet | 2023 | Narrative design & game design consultant
La Méduse Violette | 2021-22 | Narrative design & game design consultant
Animaviva | 2021-22 | Narrative design & game design consultant
Eternity | 2021-22 | Game design consultant
Red Corner | 2020-21 | Narrative design, game design & D&I consultant
Cinétévé | 2020-21 | Narrative design, story & D&I consultant
Monochrome | 2020 | Narrative design & story consultant
Darjeeling Prod | 2019 | Narrative design, writing & story consultant
Monolith, Warner Bros. Games | 2019 | Narrative design and D&I consultant
Nolaroads | 2017 | Lore & story consultant
Upian | 2017 | Game design consultant
I also did pro bono consulting on Kickstarter crowdfunding and taught crowdfunding PR between 2013 and 2016.
My communication strategies were, and still are, always based on storytelling.
Training & Teaching
Indie Game Academy | Teaching | 2022-23 | Narrative design teacher
E-artsup Bordeaux | Teaching | 2022 | Narrative design teacher
Futurae | Teaching | 2020-22 | Narrative design teacher
IIM De Vinci | Teaching | 2020 | Narrative design teacher
E-artsup Lyon | Teaching | 2019 | Narrative design teacher
We Are Social | Training | 2018 | Narrative design training
Supinfogame Rubika | Teaching | 2016-21 | Narrative design & Personal branding teacher
FransGenre (healthcare and queer NGO) | 2023-now | Member, Contributor, Volunteer writer
Loisirs Numériques (video games NGO) | 2023-now | Mentor
PKS (healthcare and queer NGO) | 2021-now | Mentor, Mediator, Su!cide prevention
Women in Games France (diversity NGO) | 2017-now | Member, Speaker
Majorca Model Camp (model training camp with a focus on underrepresented profiles) | 2023 | Mentor, Photo model
Singapore's French Embassy (governmental organisation) | 2021-22 | Speaker and panellist for video game and transmedia
Cagole Nomade (queer and feminist healthcare organisation) | 2021 | Photo model
RobotHack (robotics hackathon) | 2021 | Mentor
SexHack (healthcare hackathon) | 2020-21 | Mentor
Willow Show (healthcare and queer classes) | 2020 | Mentor and moderator for weekly shibari classes
Génération Cobayes (healthcare NGO) | 2017-20 | Volunteer writer
Conferences, Interviews and Panels

Shows, events and organisations I've talked or been interviewed for include:
Afrogameuses | Art of Gaming (Arte) | Bibliothèque Louise Michel | Centre Pompidou Paris | Devcom | Disneyland Paris | Festival de la Francophonie Singapour (Ambassade de France) | Forum des Images |
Freeplay Festival | Game Camp | Game Developer (ex Gamasutra) | GameIS | Gamekult | Gamescom |
Gamescom Asia | Hyperlink (VL media) | IIM De Vinci | Indie Game Academy | Indie Game Factory |
L'Interview | Jeuxvideo.com | JV | Kadist | Libération | Musée de la Cour d'Or (Région Grand Est) |
Paris Games Week Press Start (Women in Games France) | Queerly Represent Me | Radio Kawa |
Les Rendez-Vous du Jeu Vidéo (Bibliothèque Nationale François Mittérand) | Women in Games France | XRMust
Fond of vast universes, I wish to discover and create more and more worlds, real or not.
I collect books from ultra-rare Egyptology studies and medieval bestiaries to Yokai dictionaries and
Tolkien lore chronicles. I hope that in sickness, a Caladrius will face you.
In my day-to-day geekiness, I'm a game master for tabletop RPGs, a LARP fencer, a rules reader,
and I write roleplay scenarios for and with my friends.
Hit me up for a tragic horror one-shot in the catacombs of Paris ;)
Coop games are my favourites and I rarely say no to evenings of grinding loot together.
(Or to a night of dancing to techno music.)
I'm well-versed in board games, especially with tactical components, communication mechanics, or just dice.
I hoard dice like a dragon hoards gold, growling included.
In addition to being a nerd and a plant parent (my desk vine is two meters long help),
I'm a non-binary artist, photo model and have been a queer activist since 2010.
I'm autistic and outstanding at spotting patterns and broken coherence which makes me great at what I do, although sometimes jokes fly over my head and I am super awkward when receiving compliments.
My first award acceptance speech was eight seconds long. I can last a minute now!
I also love comics, treasure hunting, dinosaurs, and food ❤
Want to talk?
Like what you're reading and want to know more? Let's have a chat.
Interested in my resume or work samples? Contact me and I can send you a copy.